We are familiar with the
Record.LockTable property that we use to explicitly lock the table against
write transactions that can conflict.
By default, Business
Central automatically determines the isolation levels used when querying
database. AL developers can now explicitly control the database isolation level
on individual reads on a record instance.
With Business Central v.22, a new ReadIsolation method has been introduced on the record data type. Its syntax is as:
Rec.ReadIsolation := IsolationLevel::<enum value>
IsolationLevel can have
following values:
Default, ReadCommitted, ReadUncommitted,
RepeatableRead and UpdLock
To understand the concept,
we use two simple procedures. One procedure will get customer 10000 and modifies
Name while other procedure gets the same customer 10000 and shows the Name. Add
these functions to actions on any page, I added them on Customer card using Page
Extension. We will call these functions concurrently and one after the other to
cover different scenarios in different sessions. Sleep function is used to delay
the commit.
Procedure 1:
Procedure 2:
We will go through the Isolation Levels one by one.
It follows the table isolation level for reads; same behavior as not setting Isolation Level.
Open Business Central and Run
ModifyName that will put the system to Sleep for 45 seconds
after Customer.Modify. So, record is modified but not yet committed.
Open another Business Central session in incognito window and Run ShowName procedure. You will see that ShowName
procedure will show the modified name even though it is not yet committed to DB.
It is an example of dirty read.
Result: If Default is used
then system can read uncommitted data.
Allows to read only committed data.
Change IsolationLevel to ReadCommitted in code. Open Business Central and change the customer 10000 name back to Original Name. Run ModifyName procedure that will put the system to Sleep for 45 seconds after Customer.Modify. So, record is modified but not yet committed.
Open another Business Central session in incognito window and Run ShowName procedure. You will see that after a few
seconds you will get error that We cannot save your changes…
Result: If ReadCommitted is
used then Read operation can performed only on a fully committed record, if the
record is in between a transaction error will be thrown as above.
Allows the record to read data that has been
modified by other transactions but not yet committed (also called dirty reads)
Its behaviour is same that
we saw in Default. You can perform example in same way.
Reads only committed data (as we see in
ReadCommitted) but it also locks the record until current transaction is completed,
means no write transaction can be performed on that record.
To understand it a bit more
make a little change to Procedure 2 and replace Message(Customer.Name) by
Customer.Modify(); Change IsolationMethod to RepeatableRead.
Open Business Central and change
customer name back to Original Name and refresh.
Run procedure#1 ModifyName that
will modifies the name and sleep.
Open Business Central in
another incognito window and run procedure 2. After a few seconds you will get
the error that We cannot save your changes….
Result: RepeatableRead only
reads committed data and put lock until transaction is completed.
Ensures that reads stay consistent for the life of the current transaction. Until transaction completes record cannot read uncommitted data and other transactions with same isolation level cannot read data that was read by this record.
Same behaviour as RepeatableRead, but additionally it does not allow other transactions with same isolation level to read data that was read by it. So, it reads only committed data, lock the record for write transaction
and block the record from reading for transactions with same isolation level.
For any feedback or if you find any mistakes/issues feel free to send email at raibilalhaider@yahoo.com